Enterprise Grade Security For Your Smart Home Devices And Network. Be Safe! Be CyberSure!

Our AI-powered solutions guard your devices, network, and privacy, giving you peace of mind in every byte. CyberSure offers a suite of tools to Secure and Manage your smart home devices. Our tools help you understand your security posture and provide step by step guidance to improve the security of your connected home ensuring you continue to enjoy the benefits without having to worrry about security.

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Get instant alerts and boot out intruders before they can even think about causing trouble.

Don’t let unwanted guests crash your network party. Kick them out instantly with CyberSure. CyberSure automatically builds your trusted device list, so new faces on the network get flagged faster than an overstaying welcome.

  • Spot intruders before they even blink
  • Get instant alerts through CyberSure App if any unknown device tries to sneak onto your network
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Don’t wait for a breach - CyberSure constantly checks your smart home defenses; pointing out every chink in the armor

CyberSure diagnoses your smart home’s security weak spots and shows you exactly how to fix them. It scans your devices and router settings, instantly identifying vulnerabilities and providing clear, step-by-step instructions to patch them up. Say goodbye to security anxiety and hello to a proactively protected connected haven.

  • CyberSure is your vigilant watchdog
  • Scanning for hidden security gaps like weak passwords or outdated firmware
  • No more sleepless nights or security worries - just the sweet peace of mind knowing your connected haven is guarded.
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Toss the app circus and reclaim your control of Smart devices; Introducing CyberSure Boot - one app to control them all.

Forget the endless app juggling act and messy logins. Say goodbye to a dozen different passwords just to adjust the lights! CyberSure Boot - a device you install alongside your router - unites your entire smart home under one powerful app, giving you effortless control from sunrise to sunset. No more switching screens, no more remembering usernames - just seamless command, automation, and monitoring, all at your fingertips.

  • Dimming the lights, unlocking the doors, and adjusting the thermostat - all with a single tap.
  • Setting custom routines and schedules across all devices even from different manufacturers for a truly automated haven
  • Controlling your smart home remotely, even when you’re miles away.
  • Ditching the password frenzy and managing everything through one secure, centralized hub.
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